write edge composition showcase
An Argument
By Jervyn Lew, Y3
Date: 23/4/2022
(🌟* S+ST+AT!*) “Hurry up, we’re going to be late!” my mother hollered as she waited at the front door. As quick as a lightning, (🌟*simile!*) I rushed (🌟*ways to say: ran!*) to the car because our uncle and aunt were having a house-warming party. We were all invited, including my favourite cousins. I was bubbling with anticipation (🌟*SNT: do!*) as it was a long time since I had seen my cousin, Joni.
When we reached Uncle Jon and Aunt Linda’s house, they led us to their wonderful garden and we were greeted by the sight of wondrous flowers and plants. (🌟*5 senses: sight!*) Then they prepared some scrumptious noodle soup, burgers and the yummy pizza, filling the table to the brim. I took a bite of the savoury burger and hummed in enjoyment. (🌟*SNT!*) After I ate, I spotted a swing glistening under the sun and I thought of playing on the swing so I made a beeline for the swing. Soon, I found that my cousin, Joni swinging back and forth happily on the swing.
In a gentle tone, I asked if I could play on the swing. To my surprise, Joni refused to get off the swing. Unexpectedly, Joni yelled at me, ‘my dad bought this swing for me, it’s mine!” and tightened his grip on the swing. (🌟*S+ST+AT!*) I stared daggers at him as hot tears brimmed in my eyes. (🌟*SNT*) We were so close! How could he be so rude? (🌟Character thoughts) I clenched my fists and started to argue with him. (🌟SNT!) Upon hearing us, our uncle quickly came to help and encouraged us to be kind to one another. Our uncle told us to apologised to each other. Both of us calmed down and we took turns pushing each other on the swing. Our folks saw us getting along, and they started to beam with pride. (🌟*SNT!*)
For the rest of the day, we had a whale of time playing at my uncle and aunt’s house. From this incident, my uncle taught me the importance of sharing and being gracious. (🌟*lesson learnt!*) I hope to never get into such an argument ever again. (🌟*link to topic!*)